Who can add a listing?

Good Question!

Well, the simple answer is that anyone can add a listing. Even if it’s not your business, some kind soul could list your business for you and you can then claim the listing afterwards. However we do reserve the right to check on listings and verify them, particularly if there is some kind of violation of our terms in a listing.

The real question is:

What is a “business”?

A business is a place or organisation that sells something or provides a service in exchange for payment. But you knew that.

Here’s the thing: there are hundreds of smaller businesses that may work from home, or don’t have huge advertising expenditure, but they could be the gem of a service you have been searching for. We want to help expose these businesses to a wider audience too. There could be that special material you need to make the perfect wedding dress, or that particular spice that makes the difference between an average and a great curry for your restaurant. However, if the business isn’t on the high street or perhaps is just in the next town, they will miss out on your custom. So with geo-location (in other words locating your geographical position by the use of mobile or ISP location systems) we can help you find the right service or business for your need that’s closest to you.

The type of business that will benefit from Locally Socially is a local business, i.e. a business that trades in a particular area, either from a shop or premises, or a mobile business that can serve a town or part of it. The businesses that need local custom as opposed to long-distant orders will benefit most from our service, however that’s not to say that any business can’t benefit because there are so many opportunities to promote your business with Locally Socially.